Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hug Life

If you haven't figured it out yet, there's two sides to The Mulatto. In actuality there's many more than that, but for any given subject, there's two sides. If we're talking about color, there's the black and the white of it, and so on.

Let's talk about life. What is Hug Life? It's an ode to the late great Tupac Shakur who had Thug Life tatted across the abdomen. It's an homage to hip hop music which he helped to make great. It's the darkness behind that music. It's a dedication to the hood that a lot of us who make and appreciate the music came from.

On the other hand, it's about the good things in life. It's about taking hold of those wonderful things. It's an idea and an action. Hug Life is about that life.. The life of embrace. The life of love for family and friends.. It's also about loving life in general with as simple a gesture as a hug. What it do, life? Gimme a hug.

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