Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Strangers Know Best

Remember when every word you said to one another carried more weight than modern America? Now remember the last time you tried to give him or her good advice? Remember the look that was returned like the advice you gave started with "Yo' momma so whatever"? What the hell happened?

I think every relationship reaches a tipping point when it comes to communication at some point. Communication tends to be inversely proportional to the time spent between two people growing together. For the arithmetic impaired, that means the listening fades as the anniversary count ticks up.

That's all fine and good. Your advice isn't always the best so maybe there's a reason he or she started tossing it like that fatty part on a bad cut of steak. Maybe it's not all meat anymore in your old age. But the kicker comes when the advice you gave somehow gets followed when it is spoken through the voice of someone who is not you.

Him: "The garbage man told me that I should probably quit before these things kill me."

Her: "The intern told me that I could stand to lose a little weight."

Him/Her: "That mo fo was right!"

That's when the look he or she gave you before shows up on your face this time. So why is it that your words have become shit flakes in the wind compared to those of any person that is not you?

I guess that's just one of those mysteries that accompany the swindle the people before me call love. Perhaps I should go back in time and tell those people a thing or two about love.. After an argument with the spouse I imagine would be the most opportune time.

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